a loved rose apon some thorns.

"I love to see you at my table, Nick. you remind me of a - of a rose, an absolute rose." - Daisy

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Tragic Event.

I can't believe I did it! I hit a lady who I believed was toms mistress. As I was driving back from the city of New York, well Gatsby let me drive, and this lady came onto to the road flailing and screaming for the car to stop. Maybe she thought it was some one else in the car and she knew them, but the only other person driving this car was Tom, Nick and Jordan and that was on the way to the city. Do you think they stopped because Tom wanted to say hello to his mistress. Then that moment I thought to myself, she thinks I'm Tom and she wants me to stop and pick her up. I was going to try and avoid hitting, i sincerely was wanting to not hurt her but then I thought of all the pain she has caused me just by taking tom away, calling in the middle of supper, keeping him from his little girl. The impact of her body with the car felt gratifying but at the same time horrible that at that moment I would be able to harm another human being. Gatsby tried to turn the wheel to make me avoid hitting her, but I did hit her and after I did I kept driving and didn't stop till I got back to the Sound.
The God damned coward!” he whimpered. “He didn't even stop his car” (141).

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Mystery Neighbor.

It seems as though one of the houses across the sound is having one heck of a party, but there is always a bright event in that area every weekend, though to host one as bright and as brilliant as that, must cost a fortune. I wonder who it would be? Maybe I can ask nick he said his house is right across from mine and that looks like the area in which his is located. If it is some one who is very rich I could use it to my advantage and get with that person to have revenge on Tom. Way to much work trying to find out who it is. Thought I can ask Nick, he seem to live close to the location of the really really bright house. Speaking of Nick I wonder which Gatsby he was talking about a few days ago, could it be “the Gastby”? No it couldn't be that Gatsby. No way. I'll just have to ask Nick about it being that he is his neighbour he said. Nick describes, “ there was music from my neighbour’s house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars” (39).

Monday, June 9, 2014

Off Again!!!

AGAIN!!!! Tom has disappeared for the day and took Nick with him. Gone to New York island to show nick the ropes or i bet that he has gone off to show off his “mistress” to Nick. GOD!!! how many has he had now and to take my cousin, who I haven't seen in forever, with him. The rude and carelessness of people now days. Why not just go off. As I'm stuck here all day with my little fool and Jordan to spend the lazing around doing unproductive work. Maybe we all will go out to lunch and spend the day in a good way that is productive. What else is there to do, I mean think, with a status like mine and how high up I am and the wealth coming out my ears, might as well use it and plus i believe that the car needs to be broken in more than it already has, it is still way to new for my liking. Even though I like it when Tom is gone I do worry, I'm sure didn't marry him for his attitude that is. I hope he is safe and gets home soon and as well as nick. My poor cousin.
Said by Tom to Nick as they were traveling to New York and picking up Tom's mistress on the way by, "We're getting off," he insisted. "I want you to meet my girl" (24).

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Visitation of the Long Lost Cousin at a Dinner Party.

The arrival of the long lost cousin I haven't seen and missed dearly for quite some time is here for a lovely dinner with Tom, Jordan and I. I sincerely hope that Tom does not get in a argument with Nick, my cousin. I don't understand why he has been such on edge lately. Maybe he is having troubles with that mistress from that garage place with that not-so-clad husband that seems to think his wife is the best thing since buttered toast. Why is it so hard to deal with the fact that she is around and not to mention the many other people he has been with. Is it so hard to stay around your wife and child with out running off with some mistress. What is even more painful is the fact the she called in the middle of the dinner party I had planned to have with Nick, Jordan, Tom and I. What is it with him have I lost his interest? Am I not pretty enough to grab the attention of his eyes? Maybe to get his attention I should be doing the same thing to him, getting random people to call requesting my presence just to see what his reaction would be. Maybe he will realize that he has something great in front of him.
""You mean to say you don't know?" said Miss Baker, honestly surprised. "i thought everybody knew." "I don't." "why - " she said hesitantly, "Tom's got some women in New York." "Got some women?" I repeated blankly. Miss Baker nodded. "She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner time. Don't you think"" (15)?