a loved rose apon some thorns.

"I love to see you at my table, Nick. you remind me of a - of a rose, an absolute rose." - Daisy

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Mystery Neighbor.

It seems as though one of the houses across the sound is having one heck of a party, but there is always a bright event in that area every weekend, though to host one as bright and as brilliant as that, must cost a fortune. I wonder who it would be? Maybe I can ask nick he said his house is right across from mine and that looks like the area in which his is located. If it is some one who is very rich I could use it to my advantage and get with that person to have revenge on Tom. Way to much work trying to find out who it is. Thought I can ask Nick, he seem to live close to the location of the really really bright house. Speaking of Nick I wonder which Gatsby he was talking about a few days ago, could it be “the Gastby”? No it couldn't be that Gatsby. No way. I'll just have to ask Nick about it being that he is his neighbour he said. Nick describes, “ there was music from my neighbour’s house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars” (39).

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